Karen B. Shea
A Bug-Lightful Discovery
Emelia discovers the wonderous world of bugs.
Emelia is visiting Ms. Z when she finds an alien-looking critter on her step. She is about to stomp on the bug, when Ms. Z tells her not to. Ms. Z explains that all bugs have a purpose, and they deserve to live as much as everyone else. Emelia’s older sisters, Ellery and Jacqueline, agree with Ms. Z and explain that bugs are part of the web of life and are connected to everything else. That night, Emelia’s Grandma Jane gives Emelia a special book all about bugs, and Emelia learns how bugs help the earth and other critters. The next day, Emelia goes out to the meadow to explore these fascinating creatures. She learns how bees help pollinate plants, how hummingbirds use strands of a spiders web to build their nests, and how other birds catch beetles to feed their babies. She also learns that just because you can stomp on a bug, doesn’t mean that you should!
A Bug-Lightful Discovery by author Karen B. Shea is a delightful and educational story about Emelia, a curious little girl, who discovers the wonderous world of bugs. With a little help from Ms. Z, her older sisters, and her Grandma Jane, Emelia learns the importance of bugs for life on earth. Many children dislike bugs and this book will help them understand the value and beauty of these little critters. Shea does a fabulous job of interweaving awareness of bugs and ecosystems, into an entertaining story for young readers. Through Emelia’s journey, children will learn about the web of life and the importance of respecting even the smallest of creatures.
The charming illustrations by Luella Jane Wright bring Emelia’s character to life and complement the story perfectly.
Star rating: 5 StarsÂ
Summary:Â AÂ delightful and educational picture book that introduces young readers to bugs and ecosystems. Truly bug-lightful!